I have a true passion for bringing plastic waste to life and let these colorful abandoned pieces tell the story of plastic pollution and how it affects the environment, wildlife and ultimately comes back to us humans. Every piece is inspired by real life events, scientific facts and sad truths that I believe art can help us face. The battle between the vibrant colors of plastic and the persistent black element in all my works represent both the role of this material in our society and consumerism while reminding us the dark side of plastic and the results of our behavior.
Cigarette Butts Art
Cigarette Butts are the most littered item in the world - over 2 billion butts are littered in the environment every year.
This foamy plastic is supposed to "filter" highly toxic chemicals and yet are thrown in the environment in the name of social norms and is harmful to wildlife. Collecting smoked cigarette butts from beaches, nature and streets and creating art with them I am hoping to raise awareness and promote social policy change and legislation regarding cigarette butts littering.
To illustrate how different plastic products break down into microplastics and what happenes with it I most work with tiny little pieces and fragile plastics. To be able to use these plastics to raise awareness and create zero waste art I often choose photography as my medium.
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